Monthly Archives: July 2013

Americans Becoming Less Tolerant of Cheating Partners

A recent Gallup roll found that 91 percent of American adults believe adultery is wrong, a big jump from 40 years ago, when only 70 percent of people believed extramarital affairs were “always wrong”. Americans have shown that they are willing to accept some societal trends once considered taboo, but ...

2020-08-27T17:01:46-05:00July 31, 2013|Categories: Divorce, Family Law Blog|Tags: , , , |

Study Highlights Reasons Why Couples Seek a Divorce

A study by Co-operative Legal Services found that poor lifestyle and financial planning were two main reasons that couples sought a divorce. The study polled both married and divorced couples in hopes of pinpointing the biggest factors that lead to marital dissatisfaction and divorce. Marital Dissatisfaction Simply having an in-depth ...

Relationships that Begin Online Less Likely to End in Divorce

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that more than one-third of American marriages began with an online relationship, and those marriages were less likely to end in divorce than relationships that began in person. Although the party funding the study (eHarmony) had ...

Can I Deny Parenting Time to My Ex if They Are Not Paying Child Support?

No. Child support and parenting time are considered two separate issues. A parent cannot deny parenting time to the other because that parent is not paying child support or is behind on their child support payments. Attached to all court orders dealing with child support and/or spousal maintenance is a ...

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